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Knows Quirks

All that glitters is not gold.

Like almost everything that exists, there will be some flaws :).

General quirks

  • SafetyNet/PlayIntegrity doesn't pass by default on my builds. This means that some applications like banking, fast food, ... might not work properly. Keeping the promise of "passing Snet/Pi ootb" takes time that I don't currently have.

Device specific quirks

Quirks on daisy & sakura builds

  • The camera flash is delayed when taking pictures, making the photo darker. (This is due to the fact that we are using HALv3, we can't roll back to HALv1 since Google dropped support for it on A12+).
  • FPC gestures are broken on daisy as we are using sakura FPC HAL to mitigrate some issues sakura has with daisy FPC HAL. (Personal todo: Modify the biometrics service to load either daisy or sakura FPC HALs).
  • ...

Quirks on xaga builds

  • Goodix fingerprint sensor doesn't works as for now.
  • Viewfinder & videos recorded by the camera are laggy.
  • Sometimes, using the camera with third-party applications can cause the camera stack to completely crash the entire phone.
  • Video playback is locked to 30fps when using 60hz mode.
  • Touch on recovery starts to work after a while.
  • Prebuilt dtbo image. (Most like a blocker for official builds to happen).
  • ...